社区-Based Learning (CBL) 教师 Fellows Program

澳门新葡京博彩很高兴地宣布其首个以社区为基础的学习学院研究员计划. 该项目将支持有意将社区学习融入其课程的教师.

教师 from all disciplines are encouraged to apply. Please submit your application to CBL@波尔克.edu for consideration.

What is community-based learning (CBL)?

服务学习计划与其他体验式教育的不同之处在于,它的目的是平等地使服务的提供者和接受者受益,并确保对所提供的服务和正在发生的学习都给予平等的关注. . . 正是这种平衡将服务学习与所有其他体验式教育项目区分开来.
摘自Andrew Furco 2006年的文章“服务学习:体验式教育的平衡方法”.”

Selection Criteria

将选出四(4)名教员研究员(2名来自莱克兰及其附属中心,2名来自温特黑文及其附属中心),并授予大约2400美元的津贴(18分- 72小时)。. Fellows will engage in the following 活动:
• Participate in a one-day orientation and workshop in May 2017
• Implement the activity in their course in fall 2017
• Serve as a mentor to a faculty member in the next 教师 Fellows cohort spring 2018
• Attend the 社区 Based Learning (CBL) recognition ceremony in spring 2018

Program Outcomes

As a result of participating in the program faculty will:
• Identify and implement best practices in community-based learning
• Improve student success in their courses
• Promote student retention in their courses

社区- Based Learning in Action at Polk State

While donations traditionally come to the 基金会 in the form of funding, 组织和政府机构也可以通过在提高教育体验方面发挥重要作用来成倍地帮助学生. 一个重要的方式是通过参与学院的社区为基础的学习教师研究员计划. 该项目特别支持有意将社区学习融入其课程的教师, but the benefits extend far beyond the classroom. 通过参加以社区为基础的学习课程,学生的学习和发展成果得到改善, and community partners play a key role in shaping these experiences. In the program’s inaugural year, 几个组织与澳门新葡京博彩合作,以下列方式丰富课程:

  1. CBL in Action 2017: The Mission of 冬天还

    Partnered with Linda Schaak, Professor of Nursing

    Students are working with vulnerable populations (children, 女性, 上了年纪的, 无家可归者)在温特黑文教会的适当监督下进行健康检查和转诊.

  2. CBL in Action 2017: Healthy Eating Project

    The Public Education Partnership of 冬天还, Meals on Wheels, Agape Food Bank, First Presbyterian Church of 冬天还 Soup Kitchen, India Pentecostal Church of Florida (Affiliated with Lighthouse Ministries), and the Circle of Love Soup Kitchen in Auburndale.

    Partnered with Logan Randolph, Professor of Science

    Students are learning about food scarcity, hunger issues and exploring innovative ways to feed low-income families.

  3. CBL in Action 2017: Supervisor of Elections

    Partnered with Richard 12月ker, Professor of Mathematics

    学生向选举事务处主任代表学习登记投票及正确行使投票权的重要性. 然后,学生们收集了与2016年美国总统选举相关的数据,并对这些数据进行了统计测试. 确定了代表人数不足的投票群体,并与各组织分享了这些信息,以便鼓励这些群体投票.

  4. CBL in Action 2017: Volunteers In Service to the Elderly (VISTE)

    Partnered with Carol Martinson, Professor of English

    Students are working with Volunteers In Service to the Elderly (VISTE). Instead of writing essays about their favorite vacation, 学生们会见并采访老年人,然后通过记录老年人的生活经历来磨练他们的写作技巧.

  5. CBL in Action 2017: City of 冬天还 Natural Resource Division

    Partnered with Natalie Whitcomb, Professor of Science

    Environmental Science students collect tree data (location, size/ type of trees) from 冬天还 parks. 然后,自然资源部门利用收集到的数据做出明智的决定,增加公园树木的多样性,以及树木在防止雨水流失方面的货币价值. Oceanography students will sample local lakes for micro-plastic pollution. Information will be provided to the City and it will become a part of their water quality data. This information will be sent to the Florida Agricultural Service (IFAS).

  6. CBL in Action 2018: 冬天还 Recreational & Cultural Center (WRCC)

    Partnered with Annette Bullard, Professor of Occupational Therapy

    Get Fit @ the Rec是一个试点项目,旨在评估健康和健身教育/活动对参加该中心课后项目的K - 8年级学生的影响. The Occupational Therapy and Nursing departments are working together on this initiative. 布拉德教授的职业治疗学生正在为学生们提供健康和健康教育研讨会, 而琳达·沙克教授的护理专业学生将在提供健康职业教育的同时监测学生的特定生物特征和健康状况. 中心的工作人员将进行测试,以确定这些干预措施对学生整体学业和身体健康的影响. 温特黑文市已经申请了一个项目拨款,这个试点项目将为决策者提供有价值的数据.

  7. CBL in Action 2018: Watson Clinic 基金会, Inc.

    Partnered with Michelle Manzi, Professor of Music

    In Professor Manzi’s MUN1320 Women’s Choir Class, 学生们与沃森诊所的医学艺术项目合作,为等待和接受治疗的癌症患者表演. The power of music to heal and lift spirits is undeniable. This is usually obvious by the listener’s response to beautiful melodies and positive lyrics. This is one of our goals as independent musicians. 作为表演者的另一个目标是通过音乐的力量与听众交流,建立一种联系. 学生们将通过歌曲分享快乐和希望,并对自己为他人创造这种体验的能力有了新的认识.

  8. CBL in Action 2018: kidsPACK Organization

    Partnered with Von McGriff,  Professor of First-Year Experience

    在McGriff教授的第一年体验(FYE)研讨会上,学生们正在与莱克兰的kidsPACK一起收集食品,为小学学生提供食品包, 中间, and high schools in Polk County who are in need. FYE的学生还针对澳门新葡京博彩莱克兰校区的食物短缺问题进行了调查.

  9. CBL in Action 2018: 莱克兰 Presbyterian Apartments, Inc.

    Partnered with Carol Martinson, Professor of English

    For a second year, Martinson教授的ENCl 101作文1的学生正在与志愿者服务老人(VISTE)和湖景长老会公寓合作, a residential high-rise in 莱克兰 for seniors. The students visit with the senior residents several times during the semester. 学生们为老年人提供食物和陪伴,同时磨练他们的写作技巧,记录老年人的生活经历. 这个以社区为基础的学习班受到了学生和学长的热烈欢迎.