

  1. + 1. 查看以下信息

    • 累积GPA要求为2分.5.
    • 完成前提课程:ENC1101, PSY2012和BSC2085C
        • BSC2085C必须在申请的五年内完成.
        • For 的 three prerequisite courses, 的 combined GPA must also be 2.5.
            • If a student has successfully completed a higher-level course than 的 prerequisites, 的 committee will review for consideration of meeting 的 requirement.
    • 被录取的学生必须:
        1. 通过药检
        2.  二级背景调查和
            • A felony conviction may affect a graduate’s ability to attain state licensure.
            • Anyone who has a felony conviction is required to meet with 的 program director before applying to 的 program.
        3. 演示程序的 基本要求.
    • If you have questions or need more information, please email 的 OTA team at OTA@波尔克.edu.
    • Veterans or veteran dependents, out of respect 和 gratitude to veterans of 的 U.S. Military, 的 OTA Program reserves two (2) 座位 each year for veterans.
  2. + 2. 完成以下任务

    • 他被澳门新葡京博彩录取 Students who have never attended 澳门新葡京博彩 must complete 的 招生过程 在申请在线旅行社项目之前. 这包括完成学院的在线培训, 向注册办公室提交成绩单, 获得澳门新葡京博彩学生的电子邮件账号.
          • Transcripts 和 admission documentation must be submitted 和 processed by 澳门新葡京博彩’s Registrar’s Office before applying to 的 program. 请注意:此过程将需要6至8周.
          •  学生应遵循注册员的信息 在这里.
    • “观察时间优先”请使用这个 form to document observation hours 和 answer 的 questions to 的 best of your ability.  If you have difficulty locating facilities that will allow you to observe Occupational Therapy please complete 的 form that has 3 questions about OT  submit a statement regarding your difficulty locating a facility that would allow you to complete observation hours.
          • 完成这个 form 通过回答三(3)个问题.  Save 和 submit this form as part of 的 application process (Sept 1-30).
    • 简历- 附上你目前的简历. 如果需要,使用这个 简历模板 to assist with developing a 重新开始, which is to be submitted during 的 application period.
    •  的 基本要求.
    • 参加一个澳门新葡京博彩在线旅行社项目的信息会议
  3. + 3. 通过Etrieve提交申请

    • 注:推荐使用Google Chrome浏览器.
    • All applicants (including Linkage 和 Veteran seat seekers) must complete 的 OTA application.
    • 12月isions will be sent to 的 澳门新葡京博彩 email address you applied with after 的 admissions committee meets 的 second week of 10月ober. 请记得检查你的垃圾/垃圾邮件文件夹.
    • 澳门新葡京博彩 reserves 的 right to make changes in 的 admission criteria as circumstances require. Every reasonable effort will be made to communicate changes in 的 program to interested students.
  4. +选拔过程

    对于前瞻性联动项目 候选人:

      • 总共 两个席位 are allocated to prospective c和idates from Pasco-Hern和o State College 和 Hillsborough 社区 College applying via 的 Linkage Program. Prospective linkage applicants may find detailed instructions in 的 Linkage H和book available from 的 academic advisors at 的ir respective colleges.
      • 链接候选者的申请窗口在 9 a.m. 9月1日,9月15日结束. 被选中的候选人将通过电子邮件通知 10月中旬.
      • Linkage applicants may submit 的 electronic application only after meeting with an academic advisor at 的ir respective Colleges to initiate 的 联动传送表格. The 联动传送表格 must be submitted to 的 linkage administrator 澳门新葡京博彩 by 8月15日. Applicants neglecting to follow this process will not be considered for admission, 申请将不予受理.
      • No application is considered until all necessary 澳门新葡京博彩 admission documentation (application to 澳门新葡京博彩, 高中成绩单, 大学成绩单(如适用), 居住权的文书工作, 等.)已由注册主任办事处接收及处理.
      • 学生将优先考虑具有 高绩点 if more than one qualified applicant from 的 same instituti在一个pplies for 的 same seat.
      • Unused linkage slots will revert to general admission students.


      • 分配两个座位 在一个 先到先得 给未来合格的退伍军人 登记 澳门新葡京博彩. Students must meet with 的 Coordinator of Veteran Services to determine eligibility before initiating 的 following process:
      • 在确定老兵资格之后, students need to meet with an academic advisor to determine if 的 admission criteria for 的 program are met.
      • Academic advisors will forward qualified applications 和 related documents (transmittal form, 观察时数表, 重新开始, 成绩单)直接发给OTA项目总监 7月15日至8月15日.
      • 如有超过两名符合资格的申请人申请该席位, preference will be given to 的 students with 的 highest GPAs. 如果申请人的平均成绩相同, 座位 will be assigned to 的 student(s) who applied first (based on 的 date 和 time posted on 的 application form).
      • The two selected veteran applicants will be notified via email shortly 8月15日以后.
      • 之间的 九月一日和十五日, 的 two selected veteran applicants must complete 的 online application for 的 OTA Program, 哪些可以在课程网页上找到.
      • Veteran students who were not selected will have 的 opportunity to apply again through 的 general 招生过程 from September 1 through September 30.
      • 未分配的座位将恢复给普通录取学生.


      • 剩下的 座位 是否分配给一般入学,合格的学生.
      • 十个 其他申请人被指定为候补.
      • 普通入学申请窗口于 9 a.m. 9月 1 ,是 开放至9月30日.
          1. The OTA Selection Committee utilizes a point system as a guide in 的 selection of qualified students for 的 OTA Program.   
          2. 委员会评估的领域包括大学GPA, 先决条件平均绩点, 波尔克县居民, 有相关工作经验, 完成必要的通识教育课程.   

    注意: 电子邮件 OTA@波尔克.edu 有关此过程的更多信息或问题.

    • No application is considered until all necessary 澳门新葡京博彩 admission documentation (application to 澳门新葡京博彩, 高中成绩单, 大学成绩单(如适用), 居住权的文书工作, 等.)已由注册主任办事处接收及处理.
    • Selected c和idates 和 alternates for general admissi在一个re notified via email 10月中旬.
    • All students admitted into 的 OTA program must attend 的 required New Student Orientation Day in 11月ember.  The date 和 time of 的 orientation day will be indicated in 的 acceptance 澳门新葡京博彩 email.